Feeding Information
During the first two weeks of life we give a different message in terms of feeding: feed every two to three hours, at least eight feeds over a 24 hour period.
There is no need to supplement your baby with water until he/she is 6 months of age.
At first, waking the baby occasionally to feed may be necessary for some. If this becomes more frequent, let the doctor know.
We would like to see the baby gaining close to 1/2- 1oz per day.
One way to tell if your baby is eating enough is by the amount of wet diapers they are having, which should be at least three to four times in a 24 hour period.
Normally, newborns will have frequent bowel movements. Their stool will look soft, mustard-like/seedy at first. A little straining (turning red) is also normal as long as they aren't passing hard/pellet-like stools or crying that is relieved with stooling (in which case you should call the doctor.)
Want more information and support on breastfeeding in general? Click here.
Also check out our information on transitioning your child to solid foods with the button below!