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Developmental Milestones

1-2 years

  • Communication: Between 12-18 months, your toddler should be indicating interest in things by pointing at them. They should be able to say a few basic words beyond ‘Mama’ and ‘Dada,’ and imitate a two-word sentence, such as “go home.” By age 2, your toddler should be able to identify an object when you ask, “what is this?” and should be able to follow basic directions such as “close the door” or “get your book.”


  • Motor Skills: There is a huge range of motor development between ages 1 and 2. Around 15 months your toddler may start to climb, stand alone, and take steps forward on their own. They may start to be able to do things like turn the pages of a book, throw a ball, stack toys, or color with a crayon. By age 2, your toddler should start to be able to walk up/down stairs with assistance, run and jump, and even kick a ball.


  • Problem Solving: Between ages 15-18 months, your toddler should start to be able to scribble with a crayon, and by age 2, copy you if you draw a straight line. They should be able to put away toys where they belong, get a small crumb or cheerio out of a cup by turning it over, and by age 2, ask for your help to access something they cannot reach.


  • Personal-Social: Around 15-18 months your toddler should be able to feed himself with a spoon and help undress himself. He may also start coming to you when he needs help, and should get your attention by pulling on your hand or clothes. By age 2 your toddler should start to be able to eat with a fork, call himself ‘I’ or ‘me,’ and show affection towards dolls or stuffed animals.

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